Wednesday, February 15, 2012

9 months...... a little late

These are the pictures I took when the boys turned 9 months old.  They were not yet crawling on their hands and knees, nor were they very good at pulling up, but they were determined to get up the stairs.  They would try and try and try, they finally got up about 2 of them and they were SO proud of themselves.  We have since had to put the baby gate up and they are constantly pulling on it trying to get to the stairs so they can crawl up them.  I think if they get much heavier and they are both tugging on it at the same time, they might be able to actually pull it down.  It is amazing what they have accomplished in a few weeks.  They are not yet 10 months old and they are fully mobile.  They are just starting to cruise, crawling on all fours, love to stand up and will pull themselves up on anything and everything.  When this picture was taken (1/22/12), they were still really wobbly and not standing very well at all, still doing the inch worm and army crawl, just barely pulling up if you held on to their hands.  They (I say they, but Thing 1 isn't a performing monkey and will only do it when HE wants to) are waving "hi", and "bye", Talk to the cookie monster jar on top of the fridge, will point up to the light, clap, and dance if you sing to them or if there is music on.  They are really interactive with their Big Sister and just are mesmerized by her.  They just have to hear her voice and they will immediately look for her or try to find her.  It can drive me crazy if I am trying to nurse them or feed them, but it is really sweet that they love her so much. 

Thing 2 at 9 months practicing on the stairs before we put up the baby gates

Thing 1 with his tongue out - this is his signature move, his tongue hanging out to the side

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