Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Update on Thing 1's immune testing

Thing 1's tests came back normal.  So now what?  According to the Dr. we wait and see.  I'm not exactly happy with that answer, but not sure where else to go or what else to do at this point.  Are they better?  They were for about 1 week and now it seems we are back to them being yuckie all the time with rivers of snot and nasty coughs. 

I was hoping for some kind of answer, anything other than he is fine.  He is not fine, it is not normal, this is not "normal" daycare sickness that they just have to build up their systems to.  I've seen what that looks like with our daughter.  This is not that.  It's not normal for them to only be off an antibiotic for 3-4 days before having to go back on one for the exact same symptoms that never go away. 

Could it be worse - absolutely!  But does that change the fact that my kids are constantly on meds?  No.  Is it good for them to be on this many meds - no it's not which is why I have big issues with this.  But this is not "normal", I'm not crazy and I'm not some uber worried parent who just needs to relax.  I swear I might physically hurt the next person that tells me that!



  1. No it is not normal. Good for you to trust your maternal wisdom. "They" can only test for so many things and in whatever way they know how to do it. There could be something else going on that you will be able to get to the bottom of.

    I would say, if you could get them out of daycare that would be ideal.

    1. Thanks Dev. We have decided to pull them out if we don't get any answers and there was no improvement with the oils and nasal spray. There has been an improvement - the last time we went to the Dr. to get antibiotics was January 31, we had to go today so we got a good 3 weeks without meds. Now to decide if that's enough of an improvement. I'm not so against having someone watch them at the house now that Nathan works from home.


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