Saturday, March 23, 2013

Mean Boys

The boys can be so mean to each other.  I have commented before that they will beat each other up, tackle each other, pull the other one down to the ground, sit on each other (or lay on each other so the other one can't get up), hit each other, bite each other.  It can get bad when they are in a mood like when they had surgery.  I joke that it's like lord of the flies - only the strong conquer.  But it can get bad.  Thing 1 kept knocking Thing 2 off of his scooter the other night, at first it was all in good fun they were playing, but then he took it too far and just knocked him down on the tile floor and all you hear is this big THUNK when his head hits.  Good thing he has a tick skull because by the sound alone I was expecting blood. 

The daycare actually commented on it the other day.  Their teacher was helping put them in the car and she commented that they usually had to try and separate them and that day Thing 2 had kicked Thing 1 in the head and left a mark right above his eye.  She said that they usually have to put one of them in the swing on the play ground so that the other one can go play without being messed with, then they swap them out. 

I think I need to look into this more, I originally thought that it was a twin thing, or normal boy thing.  But I know for a fact that their teacher has had twins in her class before and they were boys too.  For her to comment on it makes me wonder if this isn't a normal Twin or boy thing.  It seems to be escalating and it's really not something I want them to continue into the future especially as they get bigger and can do more damage to each other.

I found this article: Mean babies, so maybe there is something semi normal about it.

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