Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Twin Speak

I've seen videos and shows and all sorts of stuff that shows you that twins often have their own laguage and communication ways.  I have been seeing it more and more with the boys. 

At the dinner table the other night it was just them and me.  Thing 2 was trying to get Thing 1's attention and he kept saying this word that wasn't a word, but a noise.  Finally Thing 1 looked at him and he started "talking" to him.  It was pretty odd, but they had this whole conversation and then started to laugh.  I really wish I had my phone handy so that I could get a video.

But the weird thing is that they also talk to each other where I understand them.  Like they will call for each other by name and ask where the other one is.  They will tell each other to go sit in time out, so they talk to each other normally, but they still use the "twin speak" too.  It's very interesting.

The daycare has commented that they will call each other by name in class more which helps them keep track of who is who.

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