I tried to dye the real eggs the day before with the kids. I couldn't seem to get it together though. I started off with 18 eggs so each kid would have 6 eggs each. I cracked 3 and then lost one completely during the cooking process. I was ok with that that just meant that each kid now had 5 and Dad and I would get the cracked ones. I let each kid get their own turn dying their own eggs. The Girlchick was up first, then each boy got a turn. Thing 1 did great and was really listening when I told him not to touch while the eggs were drying and was able to show me the colors he wanted to dye his eggs. The only issue with his eggs - Mommy can't spell his name! BAD MOMMY! The only thing I can blame it on is having too many things going on at once and not slowing down to enjoy the moment. Yet again.
Thing 2 couldn't stand it and HAD to touch all of the eggs. Of course while they were drying he grabbed the rack and sent some to the ground. But at least they were his own and not anyone else's.
So they were all supposed to get 6 eggs, they ended up each getting 4. Considering everything I'm happy with that number.
The night before Nathan and I were getting the plastic eggs filled for the hunt and the baskets filled with all the goodies. The Girlchick decides to get up out of bed and she totally busted us! We had eggs and baskets all over the living room floor when she came out. I was so mad! I usually wait until I check on them and verify that they are asleep to start doing stuff like that. But I was in a hurry to get all the prep work started for all the cooking the next day. It's my own fault - I know better!
Then during the egg hunt - Thing 1 found an egg in the downspout from the gutters and Nathan made the comment that he didn't think that one of the boys was going to find that one - that he thought that The Girlchick would. Of course she heard this and then looked over at him and asks - Daddy did you hide the eggs? BUSTED AGAIN! See the video below.
Thing 1 is still pretty little and even though they are almost 2 I still have to put them in 12-18 month size shorts. As you can see in the above video the issues he is having with his pants. His little hiney and chicken legs just aren't enough to hold them up. He had to keep stopping to pull up his pants.
Overall it was a good fun day. Just a little crazy as usual.