Monday, April 30, 2012

Surgery and yuckies

On Wednesday The Girlchick has to have her tonsils out.  Her left one is almost the size of a golf ball.  They aren't sure why it is so large, but it can happen sometimes.  They don't think it is anything serious, but will send it off to be biopsied.  The reason it needs to come out is because it is effecting her swallowing and breathing.  She chokes on stuff every now and then, and it causes her to have issues at night when she is sleeping.  She is a little nervous about having surgery, but very excited about all the "soft" foods she gets to eat.  We went grocery shopping this weekend and she got to pick out everything she wants to eat.  Chocolate pudding, strawberry ice cream, blue popsicles, strawberry jello, berry smoothies, strawberry "shakes" aka pedisure. 

I was a little worried that she might not be able to have the surgery since she was coughing this weekend and had a runny nose.  But she seems to have cleared up with no lingering issues, so we are a go for Wednesday. 

The boys seemed to have caught something last week and haven't been able to shake it.  They sound better this week, but are still a little cranky and have runny noses.  I was worried that they were going to have issues and we would have to cancel The Girlchick's surgery or that it would turn into ear infections.  But knock on wood, so far so good.

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