Monday, April 16, 2012

Go Texan Day...... Just a little late.

Go Texan day is a pretty big deal here in Texas. We celebrate our heritage and history of the state and show that we are proud to be Texans. We put on our best boots and hats and eat good ole Texas BBQ. It's fun times. It was also celebrated on February 24th, so I'm a little late with this post. But life happens and as with everything else in our lives, I'll get a round to it, it just might be a little late. The Girlchick was so excited to get all gussied up for Texan Day at school. However she was not excited about eating BBQ for lunch. She is not a huge fan. Don't understand it, but I think she may eventually come around. Just like she did with chocolate, pizza, and Mac n'cheese. She was so proud of her outfit for the day. She picked it all out herself.


  1. She does look cute, for sure!! You should be celebrating Colorado day... a much better day!!

  2. Well it's been awhile, but I don't remember a "Go Coloradian Day", but please correct me if I'm wrong. :) Plus I'm not sure I could get her whole school to celebrate with her. Plus what would they eat for lunch? Buffalo Burgers? LOL!


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