Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My how things seem to change

I was looking back at some of my previous post and I noticed this one: Everybody's Different.  Some things have really changed and some not at all.

Thing 1 is not the aggressor anymore.  He will still take toys, but it isn't as often now.  He loves to snuggle and be rocked before going to bed.  But is usually very good about putting himself to sleep, or back to sleep if he wakes up.  He is usually the first one to go to sleep after being put to bed.  He eats pretty well now.  He does the signs for more, all done, please all the time now on his own, but also when you ask him to.  He will give you kisses when you ask.  He still doesn't like strange women, but is getting better about not just screaming.  He will now sit in your lap and just look at them sideways.  He is still very busy and likes to be on the move.  He is mellowing in his old age.  I would even go as far to say that he is the mellow one now and not on the difficult side.  He can show that he has some patience even.

Thing 2 - oh man talk about high maintenance!  Whew!  He is demanding! Always wants to be the center of attention.  Does not share well, especially hugs or kisses.  He will give them to you but not willingly.  If his brother or sister want hugs from mom, dad or grandma - he does not like it!  And is very vocal about it and will try to pull you apart, or put himself in between whoever it is.  Even if Nathan and I hug or kiss, he doesn't like it.  It's weird.  He is still very vocal about food - if you are eating ANYTHING or even if he thinks you are - he wants some.  It makes it hard to get dinner ready since he will be fussing at you and pulling on your legs, shorts or pants to get at what you have.   He has no patience.  He has started hitting and will bite every so often.  He seems to be the one with the really bad temper now.  He still can be a little sensitive.  He is really good about taking directions.  If you tell him to go to his room, or upstairs, or sit down, or go get in his chair to eat, he is pretty good about doing what you ask him to do.  Unless it is coming inside from playing outside.  He refuses.  He hates to be held or rocked before bed - he will putz around in his crib awhile before he settles down to go to sleep.  He is usually the one that wakes up at night and has a hard time putting himself back to sleep, but doesn't want to be held or rocked or helped back to sleep.

There are still some things that haven't changed - they are still different from each other and still have very different personalities.  I'm expecting them to flip flop several times on some of the traits yet still be different at the same time.

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