Saturday, July 14, 2012

Never alone

I have decided that I will never pee alone again or have a meal in peace, or just simply enjoy my meal while it is hot instead of scarfing it down as fast as possible.

If it is not the boys trying to open the door while I am using the rest room then it is The Girlchick.  I could have been sitting with them for the past hour and they would have been ignoring me, but the minute I get up to go potty, they are on me!  knocking on the door, or screaming at the door to be let in.  Or if I happen to forget to lock the door just coming on in and then proceed to want to sit in my lap!  Hello I'm trying to pee here!

Meals for me and N are pretty funny.  We used to be able to tag team with The Girlchick - one would eat and the other would take care of her.  With the boys that method usually doesn't work.  I can count on one hand since they were born the number of meals I have been able to just sit down and enjoy and not rush or not finish because one of the kids was having some sort of issue or meltdown or just being a kid and being bored.

I hope one day the time will return when I can enjoy a meal again...... maybe when they are all grown and out on their own - when does this happen?  I hoping when they are all 18?  Cuz man if they have to come back and live with us after they have gone off to school......  I need to think about this and come up with a plan to make sure once they leave for college they don't come back!  :)  

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