I have to say that I keep hoping that things will get easier with the boys, but I'm still waiting for that time. I keep comparing everything to having 1 baby vs. 2, and oh man is it a lot harder. With The Girlchick things seem to get progressively easier, and you could adopt the mindset of this too shall pass. But I'm in the suck right now and I don't see it passing anytime soon. It just keeps going, and going, and going. With The Girlchick things always seem to have a short time frame - in the grand scheme of things what was a few months of discomfort? But right now it all just seems never ending. It actually seems to be getting harder as they get more mobile and independent.
Now that they are mainly walking they constantly seem to be going in two different directions. You seem to always have to be making a choice on which one to go after first - which one is going to get in more trouble sooner, or hurt themselves. I never really considered putting one of those kid leashes on The Girlchick, but man I'm seriously thinking about it for the boys. I am coming to realize that I really can't be in two places at once! Who'da thunk it???? Like last night - I was making dinner, both boys were a little fussy, so I did what I would have done before. I got the baby sling out and put one of them in it. Well the other one wasn't having it and was standing there pulling on my shorts screaming at me. I can pick both of them up, but then that means dinner burns and/or doesn't get ready until late. So do you pick them both up and not make dinner? Put them both down and let them both scream, or just let the one scream? There never really seems to be a right answer. Plus who wants to listen to screaming kids? Not me! It's especially hard since The Girlchick was such a good baby (and for the most part a really good big girl), she would actually listen to you when you said no, the boys, not so much. They just look at you and smile, no matter what tone of voice you use. If you try to take them away from the light socket, they just go right back, and right back and right back, then you just have to put them in baby jail and then we are back to the screaming kid thing. Which no one likes. Needless to say life with twins is not easy.
I know, I'm bitching and whining again, but right now I'm in a whining mood and I'm going with it. I know, compared to issues others have, mine are not so bad. Some would kill to have my issues, but that doesn't mean it makes it any easier for me.
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