Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bye Bye Grandma

Grandma has been watching the boys at our house since January.  It's all the boys know.  They love it.  They get out and do all sorts of fun stuff, story time at the library, play groups, nature walks to hunt bugs at the bayou, the park, and just out and about running errands.  Last week, Great Grandma had to have her hip replaced and was going to need help.  So grandma needed to go out there and help her.  I was able to call The Girlchick's school to see if they had any openings for the boys.  Luckily for us they did.  They had just had 3 kids leave the exact class that the boys would be in.  It worked out great for us.  It was a little rough to start with, but the boys seem to be settling in.  Nap time may take some time, they are used to sleeping around 1.5 -2 hrs.  At school they are only sleeping anywhere from 30-45 mins.  When they get home - they are CRANKY!  But they seem to be doing ok otherwise.  They love being social and they are kept pretty busy all day, so it is right up their alley.  Hopefully they will continue to like it and the newness won't wear off.  Praying that things continue to go well and they continue to adjust well. 

But they do miss Grandma, so does The Girlchick.  Thank goodness for skype. 

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