Monday, November 26, 2012


We found out about a week ago that The Girlchick failed her vision screening at school.  This is the first time. 

We took her to the eye doctor and sure enough her vision is 20/60, which means that she is far sighted.  It's odd since I am/was very near sighted.  So she has my genes, just a little backwards!

She was pretty good about getting her eyes tested.  Not happy about them putting in the drops to dilate them or the part where they blow the air into them.  But overall she did pretty good.  Then she got to pick out glasses.  Of course she picks out the pinkest ones she could find.  But they are darn cute on her so she did a great job.

Big girl in her glasses - I guess she has part of my genes after all

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Girlchicks birthday ended up being the week before Thanksgiving this year, so it has been a little crazy around here!  Ok let me be honest - a little crazy at our house is pretty much normal so what am I saying?  It was a little more crazy than normal! 

Here is the boys tribute to Turkey day!

We had Great Grandma, Grandma, Cousin Stephani, and Cousin Brenden all at our house.  Dinner was supposed to be at 3 pm, and we were a little late (per usual at my house), we ate at 4:30 pm.  Not my best, but it is what it is as the saying goes at my house.  I'm only one person with one oven and can only be pulled in two directions at one time before my head splits open.  But hey - we had dinner, it was good and it was nice to see everyone and catch up.  That's what it is all about!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


The Girlchick turned 6 today!  Yippee! 

We invited her whole class at school and ended up having about 32 kids show up!  Needless to say it was a little crazy!  I think from now on we are going to do smaller groups with only a few close friends!  That was a bit much and expensive!

She got to do her birthday in 3 phases.  At school she had her birthday celebration in her class.  We made cookies for everyone the night before, Nathan and I both went, and they talk about all the things that she has done her short little life!  It's actually very cute.  They have this whole ceremony where they where the birthday crown, turn off the lights and turn on the battery operated candle, she takes the globe and walks around the "sun" (candle), and sing the earth goes round the sun, (which sounds like hi ho the dairy O), and she makes one pass for each year.  It was really sweet since she even wanted the boys to come and be a part of it.

Phase two was shopping with Grandma and Great Grandma.  Apparently the three of them love shopping together and had an awesome time.  She got to pick out some gifts from great grandma - they were all leopard print - which for some reason is her thing right now.  I don't get it since I really don't like animal prints

Phase 2.5 was dinner with great grandma, grandma and all of us.  She got to pick the place.  Which I for sure thought was going to be Red Robin (they have balloons, ice cream and they sing to you), but she picked Rockwell!  And I love Melinda and Tiffany at Rockwell!  They put a candle in the little cup of blue bell ice cream and the whole restaurant sang to her!  It was great!  I really appreciate that they really make an effort there to go above and beyond!

Phase three was her birthday party with her class at the local gymnastics place.  She had a blast!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Back to daycare and the yuckies

The boys have been back in daycare for about a month now.  They have had bronchitis and sinus infections/issues that won't go away or get better, each has had 2 rounds of pink eye, croup, hand foot and mouth, and other misc. virus issues.  We can't seem to get rid of the constant runny noses and coughs.  I really hope that soon they will build up some immunity to some of this.  Since once again we are on antibiotics and this is going to be our third round in a month.  This is why we pulled them out in the first place, I was really hoping that they were a little stronger immunity wise.  I'm not going to hold my breath since we are coming up on the cold and flu season.  It's just so darn frustrating!  UGH!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

GO Texans!

I got to take The Girlchick to her first NFL football game.  The Houston Texans are doing pretty darn well this year, so it was a fun time!  She had a lot of fun eating junk food and did pretty good sitting in her seat and enjoying the people watching.  One thing I had forgotten about - when you are at a live game there is a lot of down time due to all the TV commercials they have to fit in.  So she started to get a little antsy in the early 4th quarter, so we headed out.